If you require assistance extending an existing brand in new directions, Ocean Design is well equipped to quickly develop new concepts for shelf, POP or events. We breathe new life into old brands, and help you take your products where they’ve never been before.
Professional 3-D renderings, prototype headers, floor displays and POS counter units are only a phone call away. We can work with your physical structure or assist you in developing a completely new display or point-of-sale item based upon your current market needs. Whether you need a prototype for the marketing group’s review, a sales meeting or a consumer focus study, Ocean Design and our sister company Digital Impact have the tools and experience to provide the professional packaging materials you need.
Take your brand off the page with Ocean Design. We understand how to extend your brand into environments and can also develop supporting collateral to professionally augment those spaces or events.
We are the one-source nimble solution for the ever-changing B2B or B2C marketer.